Dementia Care Tips for Healthy Aging

We are encouraged to take on a healthy and balanced lifestyle, but as we get older, this becomes even more important. A healthy lifestyle can help those with Alzheimer's disease and dementia live more active and enjoyable lives. Try the 8 tips below for better Alzheimer's and dementia care as you age.


1. Be active in a way you love.
If you find an activity that you truly enjoy, you'll be more likely to continue to do it. This could be gardening, dancing, swimming, or even qigong. Make it a habit and participate in your activity regularly. Start with 10 minutes per day, and slowly work up to 30 minutes. Need some more fun activity ideas? Click here

2. Eat right and stay hydrated.
You've heard it before, but it can't be said enough! Maintaining a healthy diet is so important for dementia care. Try to eat at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables per day. Drink five glasses of water per day. Avoid heavily processed foods that are high in sugar, fat, or salt. Try to substitute foods with more natural ingredients when you can.

3. Wear sunscreen and limit sun exposure.
Your skin is your largest body organ, so you should definitely take care of it! As we get older, our skin becomes more susceptible to sunburn. Try to limit how much time you spend in the sun. When you are out in the sunshine, wear high SPF sunscreen and reapply every few hours. Try a hat too!

4. Learn a new skill or talent.
Try picking up a new hobby, such as chess or crossword puzzles. By engaging in a skill that requires concentration, creative thinking, and memorization, you can strengthen your brain and slow the progression of Alzheimer's and dementia. Learning a new skill is a great way to practice a daily mental exercise.

5. Reduce Stress with Meditation.
Meditation has the potential to prevent mental deterioration; it also reduces stress and anxiety. Taking the time to relax is very beneficial for your body. Start with 5 minutes per day, and slowly progress to more time.

6. Educate yourself on fall prevention.
Falls can cause fractures and brain injuries, and they are shockingly more common than you may think. Every 15 seconds, someone is treated for a fall injury. Reduce clutter, remove loose carpets, and wear shoes with good support. Also, use night lights so you can easily navigate your home at all times.

7. Sing or listen to music.
Research suggests that listening to music or singing can relieve stress, reduce anxiety, and support brain health. Since areas of the brain that process musical memories are relatively unaffected by Alzheimer's disease, engaging in musical activities can be a great way to connect with others and promote good mental health.

8. Establish a plan
Stress causes health issues, but by having a plan as you get older, you can reduce that stress. Know your path and the next steps you are going to take in order to have a healthy aging and dementia care environment. Being prepared is the best way to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Dementia Care as You Age at Gateway Living

At Gateway Living, we strive to provide the best dementia care and Alzheimer's support day in and day out. For more information about our memory care facilities or to book a tour of our campus, contact us today.

Gateway Living