Long Term Care Planning: Important Factors to Consider


We all get older, and at some point, we will all need help doing the most basic of tasks.  However, there are life factors that may speed up the need for long term care. That is why we encourage you to start researching assisted living options sooner rather than later. Having a plan in place could save you and your family from unwanted hassles and financial problems later on down the road. To start planning, consider these factors:

Statistics show that women often live longer than men, which increases the likelihood that females will live on their own for a period of time. It's important that you have a plan in place for when there is a need for assisted care. 

This may seem like the most obvious factor, but it is very important. There is no such thing as being “too prepared,” and this definitely applies to assisted living. The sooner you can learn about and even visit different assisted living facilities, the more informed your choice will be down the road.

It is a common misconception that long term care is only needed once you reach an elderly state. A chronic illness or sudden accident can bring the need for assisted living at any point in your life, which means you won't always know when you will need long term care. 

Family History
If you have a loved one who needs help at a certain age, it is likely that you will also need care at that point in your life. For example, if your grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at a younger age than average, you may want to anticipate a similar occurrence in your life.

Additionally, you may want to research assisted living facilities that are focused on a specific condition, such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia. Facilities that cater to memory care often include specialized services and features that you won't find at other assisted living facilities. 

Diet and Exercise
For those who struggle with maintaining a regular exercise regimen or healthy diet, it is likely they will need long term care sooner than those who do. Our bodies reflect our lifestyle choices as we get older. It's always good to have a plan in place for when we might need to move to an assisted living facility.

Living Arrangements
If you live alone, it is likely that you will need long term care. The best way to prepare for this is setting up a plan now that fulfills all your wishes and fits your budget. This will save your family and loved ones from having to handle it for you later on.

Additionally, make sure to factor in the location of your prospective living facility. If you want to stay close to family, then it's important to research facilities that will make visits easy for them. 

Long Term Care at Gateway Living

It's hard to know exactly when you or your loved one will need to move to an assisted living facility. By thinking through some of the more critical factors that play into long term care, you can establish a helpful plan to guide your decision. To learn more about Gateway Living and what our facility offers, please contact us online or give us a call today.

Gateway Living